

Our personal takes on rivers derive from shared philosophies of rivers passed through generation by generation or co-current collective experiences. River as a life source, when it flows or dried up, river as deities, river as demons, river as the border, it's tales and mysteries, ruins, war, pollution and everyday human activities that are altering the ecosystem of rivers and lands. Therefore, the river conceptualizes our living comprehensions as a community, as individuals.

শেকল ভাঙ্গার পদযাত্রা (March to Break Shackles)

৩০শে ডিসেম্বর, ২০২১ শেকল ভাঙ্গার পদযাত্রা (March to Break Shackles) Demanding to repeal the discriminatory provision, Section 155(4) Evidence Act of 1872.

কালীর ভাবনাঘর

কালীর ভাবনাঘর- টেবিল, চেয়ার, গাছ আর গাছ

কোভিডে কালীরা

বিষাক্ত বিশ বিশ

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